Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lady Gaga!!! Where did this chick come from??? "Poker Face" gives me hope for new pop music!! Didn't think anyone had it in them anymore to make such a great dance song. Of course, Britney has done pretty well with the "Circus" album...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Do you find we "test" each other???

My meaning for that refers to trust. How long does it take to build trust and how long to break it down?

I feel that sometimes we might "test" each other to see if that trust will hold.

This could also be referred to as "playing games."

I don't like these games; but I play them as well. I know I do.

Is it a game or a test to ignore someone for a period of time, and then come back in their life as if you were never gone??? Do you know people who have done this?

My only reason for doing this is to get the attention of the one that has done this to me.
I would call that a game.

Would you?

(did any of that make any sense to anyone but me? ;))


Monday, April 20, 2009

Celebrities.... stars..... Hollywood royalty!! National Enquirer, I am not. I will post the truth as I know it. :D Ok- my version of it. Perez, schmez.

Lets start with something I'll call, "Too pretty to be true."

Female celebs (A-D list... nvmd about the D-list, actually) that I feel are simply too pretty for their own good:

Kim Kardashian.
Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Jessica Simpson.
Kate Beckinsale.
Sienna Miller.

Ok- that's just a start. Comments? Questions? ;)